Roasted Red Pepper Pasta with Cashew Cream

Roasted Red Peppers:Cashew Cream

This is my first recipe using the Lemon Cashew Cream I made the other day and it was just as lovely as i had hoped. I roasted the red pepper myself on the gas range top and chopped the kale ahead of time so it was a super fast – kid is crying and i need to get dinner on the table 5 minutes ago – kind of dinner. But it looks fancy and relaxed doesn’t it? I must be awesome. Pretty sure.

The directions on How To Roast A Red Pepper are below.

(Adjust recipe amounts for whom your feeding. I was just feeding myself because the aforementioned crying kid is not as excited by this meal as I am)


  • 1 Roasted Red Pepper
  • A handful of Kale
  • 1/4 Box fettuccine
  • A couple spoon fulls of Lemon Cashew Cream


TO ROAST A RED PEPPER: Wash the pepper well and then lay it down on the grate of your gas stove and turn the flame to medium-high. Leave the pepper there for a minute or so, until that side is mostly black, and then flip it. Repeat this process until all the sides are charred and black. (Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn your house down. Not really. Well, kind of.) When it’s done roasting, let it sit out and cool. (Avoid the temptation to cool it/peel it under water because you’ll wash off a lot of the smokey flavor and oils) When its cool, peel the skin off, chop up and get rid of the seeds. Drizzle with olive oil and then store in fridge until you’re ready to use it. They’ll  last for a week or more.

  1. Cook pasta according to directions on box.
  2. While pasta is cooking, saute kale for a couple minutes until it begins to wilt.
  3. In the mean time, chop up the previously roasted red pepper.
  4. Drain the pasta when its done and toss with the Cashew Cream. (I had to heat up the Cashew Cream because mine came straight from the fridge. You can add more water if you want a thinner sauce.)
  5. Toss in vegetables and  top with Salt and Pepper. I’m a parmesan cheese addict, so I added that too.


tags: Vegetarian, Vegan, Fast Dinner, Quick Meals, Dinner, Lunch, Appetizer, Dressing, Pureed Nut Sauce